Can Plants Influence Climate?

This interactive activity looks at whether plants can influence climate. This activity is an an extract from Plants and Climate Change, a full-length free course. This “taster” activity takes around 20 minutes and is designed to be viewed on any device.

The full course looks at what climate and climate change are, why climate change is happening, then at some of its effects and how these impact on the natural world. It will discuss some of the ways in which plants are impacted by a changing climate, followed by some ways in which plants themselves have an effect on the climate. It will also explore a selection of the many ways in which we can all help to reduce climate change and its effects.

An accessible, text-only version is available in Open Document Text and PDF formats.

Creator Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh is a world-leading charity center of excellence in plant science, conservation horticulture, and education. Based in Scotland, UK, their vision is to inspire a world that increasingly values, protects, and benefits from plants.

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