Energy Use in food production

The U.S. food system uses 10.11 quadrillion Btu per year. This use breaks down into four parts: agriculture, transportation, processing, and handling (Source). Resource Creator(s) Choose Energy’s missions is to empower energy consumers by providing educational guides, clear information, and easy-to-use tools. Their goal is to demystify the energy industry and connect our customers with […]

Help end food waste

Besides being a waste of money, time, energy and nutrients, unused food in landfills is one of the main sources of greenhouse gases. Use this article to learn how to best store and use your food so it does not end up in a landfill. Resource Creator(s) David Suzuki Foundation is a national, bilingual non-profit […]

The Roadmap to Reduce U.S. Food Waste by 20%

Learn how ReFED’s Roadmap can empower us to cut food waste, boost the economy, reduce hunger, and help the environment (Source). Resource Creator(s) ReFed is a national nonprofit that leverages a holistic view of the food system to collaborate with key audiences and generate large-scale, meaningful impact. Recognized as a leading voice for change, they accomplish […]

ReFed Food Waste Data

Find out how much food is going uneaten in the US, learn why it’s happening, and see where it goes. WHAT IS THIS TOOL? A centralized repository of information built with data from more than 50 public and proprietary datasets and providing granular estimates of how much food goes uneaten in the U.S., why it’s […]

Every Last Drop

In the developed world, if you want a drink of water you just turn on a tap or open a bottle. But for millions of families worldwide, finding clean water is a daily challenge, and kids are often the ones responsible for carrying water to their homes. Every Last Drop looks at why the world’s water resources […]

How much energy does it take to make your food?

Which foods use the most energy, farm to fork? In this quiz, test your knowledge. Our food system is a giant machine that turns energy from the sun and fossil fuels into caloric energy – 30% of our fossil fuels go into making food (Source). Resource Creator(s) Inside Energy’s mission, in collaboration with its partner stations, […]

Water Footprint Calculator

This free tool, available in both English and Spanish, illustrates how everyday actions – from washing dishes to watering the lawn to buying groceries – impact water use. The tool links to over 100 water saving tips, and the site has grown to include middle- and high-school lesson plans as well as reference material about […]


Food miles are a way of attempting to measure how far food has travelled before it reaches the consumer. It is a good way of looking at the environmental impact of foods and their ingredients. It includes getting foods to you, but also getting waste foods away from you, and to the landfill (Source). Resource […]

Find Your Foodprint

Food impacts more than your health. It impacts the environment, animals and people. What you eat, where it comes from, and how it was produced contributes to your FoodPrint — think of it like a carbon footprint, but for food. So what’s your FoodPrint? Take this 3-minute quiz to find out (Source). Resource Creator(s) Foodprint […]

Food Carbon Emissions Calculator

Using the Food Carbon Emissions Calculator, you can calculate the carbon emissions from your food reported above in Kg of CO2e, including major greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. The calculator breaks down the following: *Production emissions for the production (cradle to farmgate) and any processing of quantity purchased *Transport emissions […]