The mode of development that the world—and India—has followed has led to a situation where we are surrounded by numerous hazardous substances in our everyday lives, which affect the health of people, of other living creatures, and of the planet as a whole. Our Toxic World is an effort to shine a keen light on […]
Category: South Asia & Middle East
Trash! On Ragpicker Children and Recycling
Trash! is a unique combination of fiction and fact. Based on the real-life experiences of street children in Chennai, it tells the story of Velu, a runaway village child. He ends up as a ragpicker in a big city and must face the harsh realities of life on the streets. The story is accompanied by […]
The Six Spellmakers of Dorabji Street
Sometimes the forces of evil are so dark that no single spell can defeat them. Cosy Castle is far from ‘cosy’. In fact, it is a boxy, grey building where children walk on tippy toes from fear of the dreadful ‘dragon’ and the crotchety ‘crone’. With Nivi Mallik’s arrival at Cosy Castle, the rules start […]
111 Trees: How One Village Celebrates the Birth of Every Girl
In a small village in India, a boy grows up to make a huge difference in his community by planting trees to celebrate the birth of every girl. Based on a true story, this book celebrates environmental sustainability, community activism and ecofeminism. This is the story of Sundar Paliwal, who is from a small Indian […]
Mandai Singapore Zoo Learn & Play
The Mandai Singapore Zoo has lesson packs for primary students to learn about animals, outdoor learning, and sustainability. They also have 1-minute introductory videos to animals at the zoo and information-dense books (~24 pages) to learn more about elephants, tigers, and giraffes. Organization: Singapore Zoological Gardens Mandai Singapre Zoo nurtures a highly skilled team to provide […]
Soil Biodiversity Digital Exhibition
The museum provides a 5-step pictograph guide of the basics of soil, types of soil, soil biodiversity. Organization: Emirates Soil Museum The history of the museum goes back to 19 May 2010 when ICBA’s Senior Soil Scientist Dr. Shabbir Shahid as Chairman of the Recommendation Committee of the International Conference on Soil Classification and Reclamation of Degraded Lands […]
Steinhardt Museum of Natural History
Provides 5 full lesson plans including games and activities for students including fishing and how human growth affect the extent of fishing, soil, flowers and insects, birds, and the evolution of race. Organization: The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History The museum displays to the public the national treasures of nature in Israel, which were selected from […]
Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability
Provides 5 PDFs about Palestine’s environmental sustainability, single page for each PDF, formatted in bullet point fun facts. Topic examples include agriculture, biodiversity, waste, and chemicals. Organization: Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability The Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS) and the Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH) were established to research, educate about, and […]
Climate Change Case Studies
These case studies can be used for learning about sustainability and climate change within a specific geographical location. They focus on a variety of locations including Japan, Slovenia, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, the Philippines, the United States, Calgary (Alberta, Canada), Ecuador, and San Francisco (California, USA).