Earth Hour: A Lights Out Event for Our Planet

Click flashlights, light lanterns, and get ready to turn electric lights out to celebrate Earth Hour! Wherever you come from, you can help our planet.

Kids around the world use electric energy to do all kinds of things—adults do, too! From cleaning the clothes we play in, to lighting up our dinner tables, to keeping us warm and toasty when the weather is cold, electricity is a huge part of our lives. Unfortunately, it can also have a big impact on our planet.

Earth Hour—a worldwide movement in support of energy conservation and sustainability—takes place each March and is sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF). During Earth Hour, individuals, communities, and businesses in more than 7,000 cities turn off nonessential electric lights for one hour. Across each continent—from the Eiffel Tower to the Great Wall of China to the Statue of Liberty—one small act reminds all of us of our enormous impact on planet Earth (Source).

Author(s): Nanette Heffernan & Bao Luu

Nanette Heffernan is a children’s book author whose goal is to make the world a better place for children whether by making them laugh or addressing environmental issues. Her debut book is Earth Hour: A Lights Out Event For Our Planet. Nanette spent most of her professional career as a sales and marketing executive until making the decision to become a full time writer. But she didn’t entirely leave the business world behind. Today she’s using her contacts and skills to expand literacy programs to schools all over the world. When she isn’t writing or volunteering for organizations dear to her heart such as SCBWI, Master Gardeners, CERT, and Girl Scouts, you can find her outdoors. She has an insatiable desire for hiking, camping, backpacking, snowshoeing, gardening and walking in the rain! She lives in Northern California with her family, Koda the dog, George the cat, eight chickens (all named Companion), and the cast of characters from her stories, all of whom she chatters with daily (Source).

Bao Luu grew up in Vietnam, dreaming of becoming an artist. Today he lives in the United States where he continues his illustration work. Earth Hour is his first picture book (Source).

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