Fish Game

The Fish Game starts the conversation about education for sustainability with students and stakeholders. The simulation invites us to ‘go fishing’ and the object of each game is to have as many fish as possible by the end of 10 rounds. The game teaches system dynamics, ecological principles, responsible citizenship and more.

The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education was founded in 1995 as a program of The American Forum for Global Education known as the Sustainability Education Center. From its inception, The Cloud Institute has been a pioneer of education for sustainability. Jaimie P. Cloud, founder and president, has dedicated over thirty years to:

  • Developing a shared understanding that schools have a responsibility to contribute to our individual and collective potential, and to that of the living systems upon which all life depends.
  • Transforming schools into learning organizations.
  • Unleashing the potential of having all our children in school with their teachers and mentors during the most favorable time for learning, and to honoring them with transformative learning experiences that prepare them to participate in, and to lead with us the shift toward a sustainable future (Source).

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