Spring After Spring: How Rachel Carson Inspired the Environmental Movement

As a child, Rachel Carson lived by the rhythms of the natural world. Spring after spring, year after year, she observed how all living things are connected.

And as an adult, Rachel watched and listened as the natural world she loved so much began to fall silent. Spring After Spring traces Rachel’s journey as scientist and writer, courageously speaking truth to an often hostile world through her book, and ultimately paving the way for the modern environmental movement.

Author(s): Stephanie Roth Sisson

Excerpt from the book. Left illustrations depict young Rachel Carson using a microscope to peer into a drop of water, and right illustrations depict Rachel Carson studying tidepools and the sea. The text reads: "...she looked through a microscope and saw a small world in a drop of water -- tiny sea plants and animals. Rachel was amazed and in love. She wanted to know more about the very small world made visible by a microscope. She had never been to the ocean and was scared to go in the water. To learn about the creatures in tidal pools, marshes, and the sea, Rachel decided that she would study biology. She put her writing aside."
Excerpt from the book.

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