Tyto Online is an educational life science role-playing game (RPG) that couples an elaborate virtual environment with an engaging sci-fi storyline. Currently, there are three NGSS-aligned modules available for middle school life science: Ecology, Growth & Genetics, and Cells & Organisms. Kids play the role of a student scientist sent to the Tyto Academy, where they help researchers learn about the fictional world. Various features are available, such as a mini-map, an inventory showing points and rewards accumulated, a Biodex that catalogs the different plant and animal species, and progress trackers for the various quests and assignments. Players move freely through the virtual world, interacting with a diverse cast of characters and playing quests of their choice. Students earn points and awards for completing different tasks, which usually involve content review, observation, or working with hypotheses and evidence. As it’s still in development, some features of Tyto Online don’t work as smoothly as they could, though the website indicates that new updates are frequently being implemented. Note: The game must be installed onto a device and can’t actually be played online, though web access is needed to save progress. It’s currently available on Windows, Mac, and Chromebooks (as an Android app).
Organization: Immersed Games