Magical Houses, Made of Bamboo TED Talk

You’ve never seen buildings like this. The stunning bamboo homes built by Elora Hardy and her team in Bali twist, curve and surprise at every turn. They defy convention because the bamboo itself is so enigmatic. No two poles of bamboo are alike, so every home, bridge and bathroom is exquisitely unique. In this beautiful, […]

Introduction to Environmental Justice

These foundational lessons for elementary, middle, and high school students’ explore environmental justice (EJ) history and concepts. By learning from leaders and events that helped form the EJ movement, students discover how they can help dismantle and counteract damage caused by systemic racism. Written in partnership with Groundwork USA (Source). These lesson plans are free […]

EcoRise Freemium Lessons

EcoRise Freemium lessons are stand-alone lessons from each of our five curriculum suites, including Sustainable Intelligence, Design Studio, Business of Social Good, Green Building Lessons for a Sustainable Future, and Biomimicry and Science. Each lesson includes a detailed lesson plan as well as additional resources such as student worksheets, presentations, and assessment checklists and rubrics.We […]

Ajijaak — Crane

Ajijaak is a story about caring for the land and water. Do you care about the land? How can you be a voice for the water? Do you care about healing? Everyone can contribute to the healing of our land, water, and communities (Source). This picture book was written in Ojibwe with English translation by […]

Ajijaak on Turtle Island

Ajijaak on Turtle Island tells the story of Ajijaak, a young whooping crane. Separated from her family in a Tar Sands fire caused by the monstrous Mishibizhiw, Ajijaak must make her first migration from Wood Buffalo, Canada, down to the Gulf Coast on her own, finding her voice and a family through the interconnectedness of […]

To Dream of Blue Skies – Art For Clean Air

Concerned citizens from around the world sent in photos of blue skies wherever they are in a bid to reclaim #CleanAirForAll and the right to a healthy environment. Artists co2 used the photos to create an art piece titled ‘To Dream of Blue Skies’ to represent their hopes of a future with clean air for […]

5 Chinese “Artivists” That Took on China’s Air Pollution

With avenues of protest and online discussion strictly controlled, artists in China are finding increasingly creative ways to voice their frustration at their cities’ appalling air pollution It’s easy to see why: at the end of 2016, an area of China larger than Spain and Portugal put together was trapped under a cloud of smog […]

Environmental Justice: What Is It?

Why do so many People of Color in the U.S. live in neighborhoods with polluted air and contaminated water? This video begins to explain the answer to this question using data collected across the United States. Organization: Brut America Brut is a global video content publisher covering politics, technology, social justice, culture, and more (Source).

The Fight for Environmental Justice: Vallejo

When a cement factory tried to set up shop in South Vallejo—a community already facing staggering rates of asthma and other health effects—they fought back (Source). Organization: California Department of Justice The Attorney General is the state’s top lawyer and law enforcement official, protecting and serving the people and interests of California through a broad […]

Praying for Blue Skies: Artistic Representations of Air Pollution in China

This article examines how artists have engaged with the issue of air pollution in Beijing, where poor air quality has become a serious public health matter. Artists have utilized various mediums including performance art, photography, and painting to represent smog. Through generating media and online attention this work has contributed to a relatively vibrant “green […]